Our Awards and mentions
Although we believe that the recognition of good work is given by customers every month, we are always happy to receive awards as a way to value our research and constant work.
- Honourable Mention to the Service Company for the Chamber of Commerce
- ADL (Local Development Agency of Alicante) Award for Corporate Social Responsibility
- Recognition of the Equality Committee (Red Cross) for the Commitment to Equality within the company
WEB Award Winner The Truth (with Adora Media) - SUBUS.ES
- Runner up for Emprenjove (EFFIBAG) - IVAJ
- Invited Partners of Google Accelerate in Dublin (310 best european agencies)
- Young Entrepreneur Award (Carlos Almazán) - 19th Edition JOVEMPA
- Best online business award (Socialmedia.es) - 20th Edition Daily Truth
- The Best business initiative Award (BITmarketing)- Alicante Youth Delegation
- Emprenjobe Runner up (EFFIBAG) - IVAJ
- Runner up at e-Awards for the best social networking company (Socialmedia.es) - e-show Madrid
- Experience in External Practices Award (BITmakreting) - Vice Dean of External Practices UA
- Invited to Le Web in Paris by Google after winning the Google Engage contest
- 10 Best Online Marketing Blogs (blogbitmarketing.es) - Webempresa 2.0
- Finalists for the Best Service Web (Wavesland.net) - Edition IV The Truth Diary.
- Young Entrepreneur Finalist (Carlos Almazán) - XVIII edition JOVEMPA.